Monday, April 09, 2007

6 weird things about Buaya69

Got tagged by L of Needlessly Complicated, Really!

Now I have to divulge 6 weird things about myself. Actually, since I'm such a weirdo, I think I can write more than that but why go against the requirement, right? So 6 it is ;)

Weird #1: The true purpose of an underwear...
is for me to tuck-in my dress shirt so that they don't go "loose". A habit from my my ROTU days, honest! My 2nd Warrant Officer was the one who trained (i.e. insisted/grilled/pounded) that we do that to ensure that we looked smart when marching up and down the sacred parade ground. Since muah is a creature of habit (read: brainwashed!), I am still tucking in my dress shirt into my underpants/boxers.... despite the big tummy now, heh!

Weird #2: I have a 10 year policy on...
car ownership when people around me change theirs latest by 5 years. Owning cars in this country is bloody expensive compared to our purchasing power. And don't get me started on the HP "daylight robbery" way of calculating interest. It's... it's... so un-Accountant, heh! That's why I am still driving my 1997 Wira 1.5. My first car was our family's 1982 Datsun 120Y which was finally traded in in 2003 - that's 21 years. Good ol'Datsun easy maintenance. You can trash it ala Jeremy Clarkson but it will still run. ;)

Weird #3: I love polishing my....
black shoes. They must be spit shining. No instant liquid polish for mah shoes please. Only good ol'shoe wax, preferably with some oil. And don't you dare step on mah shoes! God forgive me for becoming a raging buffalo if I should find the polished surface of my shoe "chipped/dented". That would take me at least 3 layers of polish to cover the chipped area. Yup, I am particular about my shoes. No wonder my little SueAnne has shoe fetish, heh!

On a similar note, I love to iron my shirts and trousers.... weird huh? ;)

Weird #3: I have a tendency to observe....
people from wherever I am. I tend to "scan" people (especially hotbabes!) with my buaya eyes using the "look without looking" kungfu stance. I could be walking along the street or in a shopping mall, eating/drinking in a restaurant/bar... wherever, whatever, but my buaya eyes will always scan the area, muahahahar!

On a sober note, it was a skill passed unto me from one of my managers. Both of us were part of the "Men-with-Green Pens". The firm frequently assigned us to exotic but 'tourists-go-home" countries for some tough reporting. Incidentally, this manager was a Captain with the Military Intelligence before he quit to join the commercial world. We had to constantly look-out for our each other and you could say this buaya learnt and applied well, muahahahahar!

Weird #4: I have a fetish for...
buaya's! Don't ask me why; I am still trying to figure it out myself. I have a 12" Toys-R-Us rubber buaya sitting on my office PC, a 3 footer plush buaya soft-huggable toy in my car (to separate the 2 girls from fighting, hahaha!), and a hand twisted wired buaya that I bought more than 20 years ago in Petaling Street from a wheel-chaired bound artisan. Please don't get me started on 69.... :P

Weird #5: I love to buy....
books book books. OK, not really weird but it is when you have a room full of books but couldn't find the time to finish reading what you bought. I admit that I am a "scan reader". No longer do I go through the beauty of the written prose (except if it was poetry or poems) but really, that's not a requirement with the present day "easy-to-read" and "point-by-point" presentation of the latest "how to" books. Now that my home library/study room is stacked full of books, I have made a conscious effort not to buy anymore from MPH Mid-Valley or 1 Utama. But there's an interesting book on digital photography which I have been eyeing recently..... ;)

Weird #6: And finally, I read...
car number plates when I am driving. OK, that's not weird but when you start deciphering and laughing at plates such as CBK 5733.... now that's weird. Shan't tell you how I read them but enough to say that they are not safe for kids... really vulgar mya translation. My wife knows that and she says "Don't open your mouth! The kids can understand what we speak already, ok?". So L, we have something in common here ;)

Buaya69 says... "Yup, muah is a BAD 455" :P


Anonymous said...

hah, i read number plates too! force of habit.

Buaya69 said...

simon: here's one for you. CBA 1. muahahahar! i'm bad!